субота, 8. јануар 2011.

Српска Нова година

У четвртак, 13.1.2011. у поноћ, служиће се Света Литургија и Молебан, поводом Православне Нове године, тј, по старом, Јулијанском календару. Певаће и црквени хор Св. Симеона Богопримца.

Нема коментара:

Постави коментар

Church choir Sv. Simeona Bogoprimac, Serbia

The Choir was founded in year 1995.

During past 15 years, this choir had many successful public performances not only in Serbia, but in many other European countries.

The choir took place at many festivals of Church and Choir music:

  • “The days of Orthodox Church Music”, Poland, in years 2001. and 2005.
  • “Stara Planina Balkan fest”, Bulgaria, 2002.
  • “The Singing World”, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2007.
  • “Ohrid choir festival”, Ohrid, Macedonia, 2008.
  • „Balkan folk fest“, Kiten, Bulgaria, 2009.

Also, choir took place at many domestic festivals - “Choirs among the frescoes”, for the example.

In years 2000, and 2002, choir released two audio CD’s with their music performance.

Хор у Русији

Хор у Русији
Ст. Петербург